Page name: Arianova RP 1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-03-29 14:09:34
Last author: Artsy
Owner: Lady_Elowyn
# of watchers: 6
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D20: 5
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Lerayel was wandering through the Sabrellan's temporary camp, just checking up on everyone. She was wrapped in a cloak and therefore inconspicuous. As much as she wanted to be on familiar terms with everyone among her band of followers, all too often they were of a mind to grovel. She didn't do well with groveling. And right now, she just wanted something to distract her. So she continued walking among them, watching various groups train, other people preparing themselves in their own way. She was content to go unnoticed.

Lomien stood quietly outside his tent, he had set up outside the encampment on purpose, he had no real love of crowds, and unless told to do so he would remain at his chosen location. His horse snorted as he surveyed the inside of his tent arrayed with a weapons rack. Lomien returned to cooking the deer he had shot, growling over the fact that he would now have to make three new arrows. "All for a shot at a deer, and a bit of venison. Why do these things always have to roll on the side they get shot on?" he grumbled, returning to stew.

Jalen, nothing but an almost scrawny brown timber wolf right now, snooped around the camp, never lingering long. He would have been at Lerayel's heels, but knew when she was in a cloak like that, she wanted to be hidden. Anyone who knew her, face to face with Lerayel, knew Jalen was always there. He paused at a pot, sniffing inside before recoiling quickly at the smell of pepper. He sneezed twice. The man standing with the spices laughed and tossed him a piece of jerky, then the wolf went on his merry way, padding about without a care in the world it seemed.

Aerion hummed, walking along and through the camp. She was itching to get something done, to do something to fix the wrongs that were being committed in the world. She ran a hand through her hair, then shook it. It was starting to get too long again.

Finishing his stew, and with a disgruntled growl at the thought of haveing to go find more wood for arrows...again, first the recruits shatter a fresh batch, and now the deer decided to break a few as payment for his life, Lomien sheathed his two swords, one at each side and drew his bow and quiver over his dark coat. Lomien stood atop the hill of his personal encampment, looking out to the main camp, and with a snort from his horse he rode to the entrance of the camp, now again shrouded completly in his black attire. Deciding instead to bypass the camp all together "to many people" he grumbled, veering instead to the forest.

Black Ice wandered the woods, alone with her thoughts, and with memories of the past that still haunted her, when she heard the hooves of Lomien's horse.

Lomien rode, brooding over things of the past, this was the anniversary to the massacre of his town...there was now nothing left of it, he had salvaged what remained usable and destroyed any evidence of life there. On he rode now, throwing back his hood, lost in thought and bitterness, he stopped to rest next a large boulder, running his hand over the designs and writing on his lower arm guard, his armour for the most part, at least when walking around was restricted to just full arm and should armour, and this was almost entirely black except what was designed or written on it, which was in gold. Casting his dark cloak about him, he tethered his horse, propped himself up against the large rock, and began playing a dirge on his flute.

Ash rolled a shoulder and also wandered through the camp. He squinted at the sun, even hidden under a wide-brimmed hat and covered in cloth as he was. He hated wearing so much clothing, but if he was to familiarize himself with his new environment and fellow soldiers, he had to go out in the day eventually. Soldiers... It still seemed weird to Ash, but when he was approached with the knowledge of the war that was brewing, he knew he had to help. He was a recruiter but had yet to really talk to anybody. Deep in thought, he turned a corner and nearly ran over Lerayel. "Oh, pardon!" he said, placing an apologetic hand on her shoulder, not recognizing her immediately.

"Very nice." Ice murmered from just behind Lomien and to his right, looking intently at the Elf with her icey blue eyes.

Smilling under his hood, he replied "thanks....though the circumstances surrounding it's inception are far from....nice" he spat the last word with a shudder as an image of the slaughter that he had striven to stay emerged into his mind. "Your voice sounds familiar...have we met before?" he said still not looking up, his arm guard that he had been looking over the only thing not completely black besisdes his hands visible.

"I rather doubt it," Ice smiled, comming around to crouch in from of him, "I'm somewhat new around here."

"It is...though that is another matter, I can tell you aren't from here, i've lived here probably since your ancestors where just learning to walk, but no matter, a new face is a welcomed one" he said, a hint of a smile coming across his otherwise solem features.

"No, I'm not, I've been living in Airanova for close to two years now." she told him.

"Two...hmmm, i guess then you really are for me well over a century" he replied drawing back his hood, and letting his hair out. "As far as what im doing here...i'm employed in the armed services of the Saberallen, i make my own weapons and i find others to have fit problems and manouverability issuess" as he said this he drew out one of the single bladed swords, it's handle made of polished oak,a spiked pomel at the end, the blade etched with runes, it also had no hand gaurd. He kept the large double handed sword sheathed, and resting next to his bow propped against the rock.

Ice gazed at the sword, "Beautiful craftmanship," she complemented quietly, "what does it say?" she asked, refering to the runes.

"It's high Elven, more specificaly ancient Eldar, of which i am, but in english it reads; high lord master of fate, dragon slayer and guardian of the city of stone" he said with a hint of sorrow in his vioce "the blades where a gift to me for a war fought in this land nigh ten thousand years ago"

"Well, and ancient Elvish warior. I don't think that Lerayel could have chosen one much better than you. Your kind are few and far between, especialy where I come from."

"We are few, of the Eldar, i believe i am one of the last, of the rest there are several thousand spead throughout the world....but where is it that you come frome?" He asked wishing to divert from his turbulant past.

The haunted look returned to Ice's eyes, now it was her turn to recall a bitter past. "I'm not sure what you would call it. It is a much larger place than Airanova, much wilder, with much more evil in it, everyone there believes it is the only habitable place in this world."

"Hmm, i belive the proper name, or at least the name the Eldar had for it, was andor..which means the land of gift, though if it's anything like it was two thousand years ago than it is anything but" he said with a grimace "The guard was set, till the rebell arose, he came at night and silenced the rose of the Eldar" Lomien waxed poetic, then stopped..chidding himself for it

"Please," Ice encouraged softly, "continue."

"The city in stone the blade refers to was the crown jewel of Eldar, and for that matter Elven acheivment, it encompassed the now heavely forested over northern part of Airanova, home to nigh three hundred thousand. I was the sone of the head captain there.....i decided to move south away from the huge city, so i moved to the opposite end, a legend in my own time, shortly after full scale war broke out in the city after an earthquake had flattened most of it, the war lasted for three months...the time it took me to get there, by the time i arrived the rebels had been reduced to all of maybe one hundred, i hunted them through the streets till they fled. In the meen time i wished no remnant of the Eldar empire to remain, so what little was left of the city i destroyed. Shortly after what little was left of my people joined the war that would eventualy bring the peace that this land has come to enjoy, but now the Eldar are practically gone, indeed most of the elves where destroyed in that war or fled....i alone remained, and now ten and a half thousand years we are again" he spoke softly "That day, the day the war began in the ancient city, is known to those who remember it as the day of blood and the begining of the war of tears" He looked up to her "but now, what is it that brings you here to this land from that given to you?....and for that matter i suppose we really haven't introduced ourselves either" he said with a disarming smile

Ice almost wished he haden't returned to the subject of her past, but his disarming smile was just that, "I guess you could say I ran. I found the first ship that was sailing the farthest away from where I was, but it was blown off course and sunk in a storm. I woke washed up on a beach here. I've been living on the fringes of sociaty her ever since."

"same here, it seems i live only to fight now, and i wish at times that one could best me and end all of this, for now i have nothing to lose, so i drift aimlessly about, often living in what remains of the ruins up north....till the kerrigon drove me out....and..the Uldor" he spat the word with startleing venom. "war brews every where, and now here at last it has come to this land..." he sighed looking out into the glade infront, his horse snorting as it buried its nose into the nearby grass.

"Sounds familiar. For the longest time I just wanted to escape, to be able to forget what had happened. But I'm beginning to realize that there is no escape, and the ache has dulled, it is no longer tourture just to live with myself."

"yeah....i had forgotten about it till just now, it tends to happen when one is becomes as ancient as i...though when i was young, the age i am at now, was common, but no matter.....war will continue until the, for desolation has been decread by those who rule this worl...or so the Miar told me before they left some ten thousand two hundred years ago" he said with a slight laugh "i've come to accept it, there is no more only wish is that my peoples blood was not spilt in waste"

"Well, it appears that we have more in common than it would seem. We are both trying to forget a past that haunts us, and wishing that there had not been such inoscent blood shed." Ice murmured bitterly.

"you your short life have experianced such things?" a sorrowful smile came accross his face. "I have and am trying to make a difference, and it i only recently found out that there are quite a number of elves living here...though few if any Eldar. What time not spent in service i spend crafting weapons and arms' he said...casting a glance at the two handed, sheathed broadsword that he had set beside him...half tempted to draw it.

"Indeed, that is what I was running from." Ice murmured, the haunted look in her eyes intencifying, "What a coward I am. The great "Black Ice", running from shadows." she mocked herself bitterly.

"better shadows than demons" he spoke softly, a haunted look of horror crossing his grim features. His horse practically sitting on his left leg "Arvedui get off!!!" he said laughing "Do not chide yourself from running, i my self ran....i destroyed with a power i hope to never again tap, all that remained of the city of the eldar, i Lomien, once the great Phoenix king of south Arianova...and i could not stay the war to end all wars...or so i thought it would" he said bitterly

"No, no demons, I killed the demon." She said darkly, "What about your demon?" She asked him.

"Mine....mine was a fallan Miar, a real demon that is. On that day he led an assault on the southern city, for three days we fought at the gate, or men dying all around us....till finally, i drew the sword of demons, a double handed weapon, an with that i slew him at the sixth level gate...but the damage was done already, my house was wiped out, so i gathered my men to me an went to relieve the northern kingdom.....only to find that it was entirely destroyed, that i the most powerful of the phoenix lords who mastered the sword of demons....but could not save his people" his replied, casting a glance at the double handed sword next to him.

"This?" she nodded toward the huge sword, "Where did it get its name?"

"This....this is the sword of demons, its elven name is Drach mien ni dole uldor ecthelon estin elos which translates to; dark heart he who is the bane of the accursed the guardian of the city elos" he said "this weapon was given to me by my father at my assention to the phoenix throne. It recieved it's name because it house a fell power, one that if used incorrectly with damn the user, for within it is entraped a demons power and energy....i have not drawn it since my duel with the fire demon at the gate of my home.....over the bodies of many of my friends and family"

Ice gazed at him a moment, "Well," she said quietly, "I suppose I should be grateful, I've lost only two. But then, two was all I had...Oh, I am a coward." She groaned.

"Coward? how so...." he said "I remember that day when i was arrayed in the black and gold armour of the phoenix kings...that day when i led the final charge that defeated the rebells and brought peace to this land for so long, i have not worn that armour in ages....but now soon...the phoenix helm will return, long has this peace lasted, and i don't know about you....but if the kerrigon ever figure out a way to unleash a Miar....." his voice trailed off "have you heard of a Miar ice.....' he said his voice filled with the horror of the memories of such creatures

"To run from everything I know? I was a warior, Elf, a great warior. I had renown and power, there were few who could best me with the sword. I failed once, just once, and it cost me everything. Then, I fled from everything I once knew." Ice struggled to calm herself, "No, I have not heard of a Miar."

"i could tell that much, that you are both a warrior and a skilled one at that" he smiled "The Miar are the ancient guardians of the phoenix kings, they are servants of those who created this world and are thus very physical form they stand at least ten feet tall, their weapons each can tear apart an entire legion of ordinary men, those miar powerful enough are given weapons that can take the shape of pure fire and energy, that can burn an entire city to the ground in a matter of days" he said. I fought with their greatest prince amidst the firery ruins of my home, and bested him....after that the armies of the Uldor broke and where easily defeated bringing peace to this land.....The scars on the Armour of the phoenix lords however...remain a painful reminder of that day...i have not mended it, nor will i till the day the kerrigon give battle, then they shall know my are the only one that knows i am a phoenix king....not even Lereyal...for i think she would command me to lead the men...which i care not for" he said bitterly

"You flatter me, but I am nothing now. I still carry my sword, but it is little more than a painful reminder of what I used to be. Now, now I am a mere spy, still waiting for my first assignment. Perhaps you should lead, I know a leader when I see one, and you are at the least equal to Lereyal. But, I suppose I can understand why you do not wish to, just as I do not wish to train recrutes as I sometimes did before I came here."

"Hardly...there is a reason to why i refuse to lead. On the final day when the enemy was to be defeated, i led three legions....nearly ninty percent of the army, i led them against the enemy lines.....we where ambushed, i was at the head my closest friend, she was right there with me as we battled for control of the gate.....she and fourthousand others died that day because i led them....true we where victorious and i led them with little casualties out of the ambush...but all of them and her...died at the gate because i wanted that victory and refesed to back down.....yes it won the war....but i know i Lerayel knew that i was the so called legendary phoenix lord Eldarian and once more that i keep the armour in a ruck sack to hide....she would have my hide and make me at the very least secound in command....and i do not want i to have fallen from grace...from emperor of Airanova to assasin" he said laughing at the thought

Ice could not help but smile at that, "Do not worry friend, your secret is safe with me. Assasin, huh? Well, I suppose we will likely be working closly together on occasion then." Ice smiled inwardly, she liked this elf. She did not know why, but he seemed to warm her usually cold demeanor.

"Perhaps" he said a slight smile crossing his face "It is odd half tempted to surprise the life out of Leyayel...that the legend thought lost still lives and that the Emperor every one thought dead is their own local assasin. People at least for awile would talk of the day the Phoenix lord would ascend his throne once more....but it will never happen, the time of the Eldar as rulers has passed" he stated flatly "though if anything it would be just to where the armour and garb of my throne once more...the shoulder guards take the form of a gold eagle each mouth opened away from the head over black armour...the helmet again black but with two golden wings begining near the mouth and coming to the back of the head before raising up high and unfurled" he said speaking softly the memories resurfacing.

Ice had to smile as the elf remeniced, she wished that she had even a few memories that she could share without the pain resurfacing, but all she had were those last few days with them, her smile faded, it would do her no good to think of that.

The horse again sat on lomien 'Arvedui....get off and go find somthing better to do" Lomien growled at the black stallion. Lomien stared off whacthing the horse as it trotted off, Ice he found disarming to his otherwise often harsh take on outsiders.....though he was not pleased with himself that he had made her privy to his dark past

Ice laughed, the first time she had really laughed in two long years. "You are Lomien correct? I had heard around the encampment that you were very harsh, and rather frightening. I find nothing frightening about you." She looked at him, wondering if what she had heard was simply raw recrutes mistaking the desire to be left alone for harshness.

"I tend to be a grouch....especialy when they ruin my arrows, and yes they call my Lomien...though....i had another name...." his voice trailed off "You must be the one known as Black ice....i know where it is you have come from....for i was there and im sure most of the ones who are causing evil there are either decendants or the very people that took part in the ancient wars....and im sure your ancestors as well where known to me....perhaps..." his voice trailed off mournfully

"I am." said Ice, "Though, like you, that is not my true name." She gazed at him a moment then, "You may well have known my anscestors. If you did, you may recognize this." She watched for his reaction as she pulled her sword--a two-handed broadsword, but small so far as broadswords go and with subtle hints of Elvish craftsmanship--from its place across her back. "This is Echlo Nien Dragir, I am sure you know what the name means. It belonged to my mother."

surprised to see the blade "That blade, it's name means dragons bane...and yes it was a gift to...i suppose your mother, when i arrived from accross the sea to establish a haven on that land....initialy she thought the Eldar an invader and sought to fight us....but she soon realised that we where not....i gave her that blade as a gift" he spoke in a distracted tone remembering her chalenging him initialy to a duel "funney one your mother was she challenged me to a duel, and so we fought....the first time our blades crossed her blade against the sword of demons, her blade shattered....and i was then able to convince her that the Eldar where here to stop the Miar......yeah we stopped them...but also opened the door to our own destruction"

Ice looked at him in astonishment. " knew my mother?" then she smiled, "That would be just like her, to chalange someone like you. It's too bad she was never able to tell me anything about any of her life..." Ice's thoughts traled off. Way, way back, back when she was just a child, before that first twist of fate.

"Yes i knew here....indeed i knew her as well as her mother....." he sighed at the painful memories of wars fought and lost "and yes i am old....very very old" he acknowleged smilling all the more

"You knew my grandmother?" Ice wondered at him. He seemed too good to be true, could this Elf be her link to her mother's lost memories? Could he help her to learn why what happened, happened? A howl pulled her out of her thoughts, that howl meant that Jalen wouldn't be with Lerayel, and she needed to speak with Lerayel. The werewolf made her uneasy, she knew that Leryel trusted him, but where she came from, there was no such thing as a good werewolf. "My apologies, but I must be on my way." She said rising, "I must speak with Lerayel." Ice smiled at her new friend, turned and sprinted toward the encampment with speed and grace surprising for someone with so much human blood.

Whatching her go, Lomien arose sheathed his ancient broadsword, found his horse and saddled up "Arvedui nela tha lon" he wispered, the horse trotting off in to the far side of the Saberallen camp to his hill that he had chosen his site. Deciding instead to make use of the time Lomien jerked the reigns to head deeper into the woods, his black armour giving no glint as he passed under the eaves of the forest "black rider they call me...maybe if i'm lucky i can catch Jalen out here and have him acquire my assignment for i don't have to wade through that noisome rabble" he grunted searching for signs of the werewolf "ach never mind he's most likely busy....guess it's the camp for me" he sighed kicking the horse into a trot back towards the center of the camp.

Meanwhile, in Kerrigon territory...

"Oh what colors, what paints are these, that layer the landscape in visual ecstasy..." Alec purred from his perch on a high branch, far above the heads of any passersby. He was looking out over the scenery at the beautiful shades of the summer day and felt for once at peace. He had joined the Kerrigons some time ago, and ever since felt very disconnected from his home in the woods. It would do the land some good to come out of its surrealism though.

Siara was below, some distance away. She leaned against a large oak tree, her hair ruffling and blowing in and out of her face. Her arms crossed over her chest, and a permanent scowl had settled on her face. She hated woods. But she enjoyed her work in the Kerrigons... so she wouldn't complain.

"My my you're gloomy..." Alec said silkily as he hung from the branch just above her where he had moved to. He had both his ankles wrapped around it and one hand but hung off the side to look her in the face, right side up. His green eyes roamed over her dark face without hesitation, knowing how easily she was annoyed.

"Can the sarcasm Al," Siara replied, rolling her eyes. "We're not supposed to be a cheery bunch. Aren't we meant to be evil and cunning? Cruel and.." She sighed. He wouldn't get it. Siara didn't even fit most of those descriptions. She wasn't evil, but she wasn't exactly nice either. She was cunning, and, well.. Perhaps a little cruel. Her watery, ice blue eyes focused on his in a manner that most found unsettling.

Alec's insides squirmed a bit, but most people did that to him, so he ignored it. "Don't tell me you play into that stereotype," he asked rhetorically and let himself drop from the branch, surprisingly landing in a crouch. When he stood up properly again, he just shook his head at her. "Siara Siara Siara... I thought you were more of an individual than that..."

Siara chuckled, then shrugged, replying in a low voice. "You tell me." She brushed past him, walking back towards the camp.

Alec stared after her for half a moment, before calling, "I guess you do!" He shook his head and jumped swiftly into the tree, shooting past branch after branch until he was once again lazily lounging on his previous perch.

Lerayel continued her rounds, all senses alert as usual. She was aware of every person she passed and what they were doing, but she came across nothing worth her concern. Jalen was, as usual, following; a smile brushed her lips at his unfailing loyalty. He never seemed to leave her alone, but she appreciated it. She was thinking along those lines, her attention temporarily diverted, when suddenly she bumped into some thing. Or some one, rather. Lerayel smiled gently at the vampire even as she instinctively pulled away from the touch. "Ash," she greeted him. He was a very new member, still finding his way with the Sabrellans. She knew what that felt like. Sort of.

Jalen was already at Ash's feet, having seemed to have just appeared there. His nose twitched as he sniffed at the man's boots. He smelled heavily of something less than lively and of perspiration. Why was he out in the sun??? Maybe we should look into getting him some white clothes, he thought idly.

"Eheh," Ash laughed nervously, drawing back his hand, trying to place her and suddenly coming up with a very important face. "Er, sorry about that... Lerayel. Leader Lerayel. Miss?" He bit his lip, a fang almost poking out. "General? I'm not as of yet too familiar with war terms. What are you doing out and about?" He knew he was probably doing something horrible like pulling rank, but it was the first time he was speaking with her one-on-one, and she was in a rather important position. He couldn't help but ramble.

A hint of a smile touched Lerayel's face at Jalen's sudden appearance. What a surprise. The smile turned wry at Ash's attempt at greeting her. "Just Lerayel," she informed him gently. She had no use for titles. "I was simply out for a walk."

"Good times," Ash said, seeing the change in her expression and wondering what he did wrong. "That's what I'm doing, too. Mind if I join you? Right now, it's just aimless." The corner of his mouth twisted into a half-cocked grin.

Jalen had come much more invasive and his nose was finding its way under folds of his clothes. After a minute his perpetual sniffer moved to the ground and he moved about them, then stopped and sat by Lerayel, tilting his head curiously at Ash.

"Uh, am I bothering your dog?" Ash asked, having been squirmy throughout most of the inspection, but reluctant to nudge the dog away. Something about the way this animal moved... It wasn't like the strays that had hung outside at night at the library where he used to live.

There was a chuckle and it wasn't Lerayel. "This is a cousin to the dog, Ash. Though," Jalen chuckled again. "I am not." His lips did move as he spoke, and although he could essentially 'speak dog', he decided against pretending. Ash was on their side. He was smiling up at the vampire pleasantly.

"Ah!" Ash said, a lightbulb going off. "Werewolf!" He knew he should probably be more surprised than that, but he was already kneeling to Jalen's level. "How do you tell werewolves apart from other, similar animals? The texts were way too vague on that." His scholarly eyes were shining in curiosity. "I haven't gotten out much, so not too many races have passed my way. The one werewolf scholar we had just whacked me upside the head for being an upstart." Ash tried to consider if he was being one now, but it was worth it to ask.

Aerion looked up from where she sat, looking across the way to where the others had gathered. She wasn't one for... Being in a group. She crossed her legs under her, running a hand through her hair.

Lerayel laughed quietly as she watched Jalen. He always had been rather thorough when it came to making sure people were safe. He was also pretty much the only one who could make her laugh. "Well, you could always try talking to it," she replied, her face quite serious though she was joking. "If it answers, it's probably a werewolf. If it tries to bite you, it's more likely a normal wolf. Or else a werewolf who doesn't like you. Either way."

Ash snorted out a laugh at her reply, the intensity dropping from his gaze, although he remained kneeling. Looking up for Lerayel, he mentioned, "I was kind of looking for a way to take the possibility of pain out of it."

"Werewolves put more thoughts into their movements," Jalen explained. His shoulders hunched and he seemed to stretch back into a standing position, glad to be back on two legs. He leaned back as if to loosen a stiff back then looked at Ash with his carefree smile, hands still just behind his hips where they went to fix his back. "A regular wolf will run on instinct. If it looks like the wolf is thinking through a movement, doing something logically instead of instinctually, odds are it's a werewolf. Also, our snouts are sharper, but hardly so, so don't rely on that." He had touched his own nose at the last fact, crossing his eyes to look at it before looking at Ash and smiling again.

Ash nodded, very interested. "I hadn't been planning on bugging either werewolves or wolves in the future, but I just wanted to know," he explained, grinning his thanks and unwittingly baring his own canines. He stood up casually and stretched, glad to get that out of the way. "Where were you guys headed?" he asked.

Lerayel smiled at Jalen as he shifted forms. Of course he was better able to explain it than she. "Nowhere in particular," she replied cordially. "I try to walk among the Sabrellans regularly."

"Well, it's what I was doing anyway," Ash said. "Do you mind if I join you?"

Jalen looked between the two of them and stuck his hands in his pockets. "Hey Lerayel?" he asked her curiously. "Mind if I don't come with you? I have to scout the area again."

She glanced between the two, surprised by Jalen's question. "Yes, Ash, you may join me. And Jalen, of course I wouldn't mind." His presence was a comfort, but not necessary for her to function.
Jalen smiled at her and turned on his heel, jumping away from her. He landed on four furry paws and trotted off into the trees. A moment later a howl was heard somewhere in the forest and a few other people in their camp looked up, then ran off into the woods in much the same way Jalen had, knowing it was time to do rounds.

Ash grinned at the sound. "This is much more exciting than the library," he said. He wasn't stupid; war was war, and it wasn't going to be new and lovely for very much longer... So might as well enjoy what he could. "So how are you this fine day?" he said, almost sarcastically. It was rather warm out, and he was covered in cloth.

Lomien dismounted, glancing from side to side, slightly amused at the various races gathered together "what i wouldn't give for somthing to do" he thought to himself his armour was fully revealed now, black chest plate and knee guards, followed by gold lined oriental shoulder pauldronsgiving off no glint of sunlight, his two swords hanging at each side in leather scabards, followed by his huge sheathed broad sword on his back.

Black Ice looked about the camp, searching for Lerayel. She spotted her walking with Ash and approached. "Lerayel, might I have a word?"

Lerayel smiled and nodded back to Ash. His energy was not a bad thing, and she was confident that he could be serious when the time came. In the meantime, he was free to enjoy it. She glanced up, hearing a horse's footsteps, then shifted her gaze again when a voice addressed her. She focused on Ice and nodded. "Certainly. Ash, if you would give us a moment." She tilted her head slightly, waiting to hear what Ice had to say.

Ice fell into step with Lerayel and lowered her voice a little, "I was wondering, if you have an assignment for me. I am not a woman who can sit idle."

Seeing Lerayel preoccupied with Ice, a smile came across Lomien's face "well then" he thought "i guess this means I'll just have to do a little poking around on my own now....wonder if there is a job or two to be had at the town....and perhaps a chance to hunt...them" his smile faded at the last word. Lomien discarded his armor next to Lerayal's tent, knowing that it will either find it's way back to his own or remain there. He did keep the chain mail shirt and swords though, as well as some of his more favored stars and knives "i suppose i will leave you here" he said setting the large broadsword atop the armor. Mounting his horse he rode off, but noticing ash he decided to be curious for a change "what is your name?" he said some what cooly, for he had neither seen him with Lerayel or for that matter at all in the camp.

"The name's Ash," the vampire responded to Lomien, trying to match the cool tone he found rather intimidating, even without the sword. "I'm new here, and haven't seen this place in the light of day. Sun allergy and all." He grinned, a fang slipping out over his bottom lip. "And yourself?" he asked.

"My name is Lomien Turumbar the ancient" he smiled as he said the last word "I am usually either forging weapons and armour....or..if Lerayel permits it..hunting kerrigon...or..uldor" he spat the last word with alittle more venom than what he would have liked "what is it that you do here?" he asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

Yeah, now Ash was intimidated as all hell, although he hid it well. "Just a recruiter," Ash said. "I can store a lot of knowledge about the war and have the people skills to try and convince people that this is something worth fighting for." He rolled a shoulder in a shrug. "Haven't had much opportunity to do so, but I'm hoping I'll be of some use soon."

"You look edgy somthing the matter"? Lomien asked cooly, his voice was normally cool when adressing strangers "Lerayel has yet to give me an assignment and it seems that she is busy at the i guess you are stuck with old are apoligies if the question offends you" the Elf replied hoping that he wasn't to intimidating in his black regalia...though he figured that since he only had black arm guards and two swords visible hanging at the side of his otherwise black garb, he figured it didn't matter much.

"Eheh, no, I'm fine," Ash said, grinning and shifting his weight. "And I'm only 52. Er... or 53, there was a year that I might have missed my birthday... That was a crazy year." He stretched, cracking his back. "You introduced yourself as ancient, so I must seem like an infant compared to you."

"In comparison...yes, i am well beyond a centry in age" a brief look of sorrow crossed his face, then vanished. "Lerayel employed me as an assasin, as there are few who loath those who lead the kerrigon more than i....indeed i most likely hunted down their ancestors, or at the very least crossed blades with them" he sighed. His scar now visible as a gust of wind blew his hair to one side.

Ash stared at Lomien, the living reminder that war was not all fun and games, and stopped grinning, just nodding at that knowledge. "We're all here to fight for something," he said, lowering his own scar-free face and staring at the ground.

"Do not be ashamed of your scar-free features youg vampire....this and many others on my arms and torso are not somthing to be treasured, they are memories of pain and mistakes...." Lomien warned, guessing at what the vampire thought of his deep scar on his face "Yes we all fight for somthing..that is why war even exists.....i fight to see that so much blood shed long ago is not shed in vain...why do you fight?" His tone turning from dark and deep to light and inquisitive at the question.

Ash spread his hands to their surroundings. "To protect this," he said. "Not just the lives of people I know, who I love, but to protect this place. I don't want to see what these people will make of it if war is the path they pursue." He shoved his hands in his pockets. "I would prefer the lack of war, but if fighting is how we drive them off, then I will fight."

"Believe me, if these they call themselves....are anything like....them" he spat the last word in cold anger "then you will not want to see what they will make of this place" his face hardened as he said this

Ash nodded solemnly. "Then I will fight to make sure it never happens," he said. He paused for a bit, glancing at Lomien from the corner of his eye. "So what does one do around this place to make himself useful?" he asked.

"For me that involves either training recruits if any are given to me, or forging weapons and armour....and whatever assignment Lerayel hands down to me...which has been nill as of late" Lomien grumbled "i don't like sitting still" he smiled at ash. "for you, however that could mean any number of all really depends on your skill set and there are things that require more patience than others"

"I'm a scholar by nature," Ash replied. "Patience is what I do. Although I don't like to sit idly by much, either."

"Well then, i supose for now if you are bored i could help with that" Lomien smiled to himself "Here take this" he said reaching into a long compartment in his saddle bag, prodicing a long curved, ancient battle sword "this was taken from a dragon's lair, it is quite old, but still very leathal...familiarize yourserlf with it then be back by dawn, and i will train you to fight if you wish" He said with ever the slightest of smiles.

Ash practically lit up as he gripped the hilt. He held it easily, but knew he needed to get used to it being in his hand. "Thanks!" he eagerly said, grinning; he couldn't take his eyes off of the blade. If only he had looked at antiques while still a scholar. "I... I won't be late!"

"No matter, i'm not strict, though i will wear full armour...but only to insure you don't lop my arm off accidently, and that you can actualy practice on an actual target...for myself i'll use a training rod, not to punish you, but only to train you...better that than an actual blade, that way you can get the feel of combat as well as gain the experiance needed for actual sword fighting" Lomien sighed, feeling winded "Now" he thought to himself "time to look around that village i've been meaning to scout out...night time to..just hope for thier sakes the kerrigon stayed put in their camp..then again..perhaps i will want one or two after all" He smiled wryly as he turned to walk towards the village, his black armour invisible under his coat. "If only Lerayal had an assignment for me....oh how i tire of idlness...and the feeling of being totally useless" he groaned walking the forest road "maybe that wolf can give me a few tid bits on where cell groups of those vagabonds hang out...." he sighed longingly

Lomien gazed out on the morning dawn, then down at his bandaged hand and the young bandit trying so desperately to recover from being bisected "The wolf is going to have a cow over this...a dead person so close to camp..but what does one do if he is so foolishly shot at, why must my armour be so reilient!?! I must look like a pin cushion!" He growled glancing over the several arrows protruding from various spots on his armour "they certainly have poor quality arrows..sure Lerayel will be glad to know that, and the have a liking for daggers and blunted axes" he grimaced walking into the camp "hope that vampire isn't to skittish...i can't imagine how all this must look" he said, noticing in disgust where a blunt ax had cut a gouge in his shoulder pad.

Ash was idly swinging the sword when he looked up and saw a very... battle-worn Lomien. "Uh," he managed to get out. " look like a porcupine. Shall we... postpone swordplay?"

"Not on my acount...yes i supose i do look like a hedge hog" he sighed, yanking two of the darts out of his shoulder peice "I must say though...very, very poor quality...either that or the year spent making this armour actualy got me some where" he mused, glancing down in disgust at the gouge in his chest plate "I must lean towards poor quality however...seeing as one of their battle axes could only dent my armour..." He grunted, yanking out another dart that had found a gap in the armour and found a home in his chain mail shirt "needless to say...jalen will probably have a fit..let alone lerayel finding so many dead bodies so close to camp...i buried some..but grew tired of their stench...i doubt they ever take a bath"

Walking with her spy, Lerayel kept half an eye on where she was going and the other half on Ice as she spoke. "Of course," she replied quickly. Actually, she'd been meaning to seek her out some time soon. There were some things she needed to know, and Ice was perfect for the task. "I need more information on their leader." She didn't need to specify whose leader. "He's new, and therefore unpredictable. Go when you're ready, and be back within three days."

"I'll be gone by nightfall." Black Ice nodded to Lerayel and headed to her tent to gather what she would need.

Lerayel nodded back to Ice. She trusted her spy to do her work well. Not spending more thought on it for the minute, she turned and started back to her own tent. Her rounds were done, for the night. Now she needed rest, something she was hoping to get... though unhappy thoughts played at the edges of her conscience, promising that sleep would not come easily.

Ice slipped out of the encampment, nearly invisible with her dark skin and black cloak. She had left her sword behind, she did not want to chance it getting in her way, but she had a dagger on her belt and several knives on her person, that ought to be enough for a simple intelligence mission.

"If you weren't so restless, we wouldn't play these games and you wouldn't lose your money," Alec told his fellow Kerrigons gently as he accepted payment for winning a dagger throwing game. "Though really, you brought this upon yourselves. Challenging the upper rank..." He tisked them and put the few coins in a small pouch at his waist before he left the sulking men. He whistled lightly as he walked about the edge of camp, eyes scanning the trees with a seriousness not heard in his tune. The notes echoed hollowly, distantly, giving them an eerie feel.

Black Ice stood watching Alec from the shadows just outside the camp. As he passed, she pulled her shawl tighter around her and went through her story again, in case she was caught by any of the Kerrigons. I am a traveling story teller, I have been on the road for nigh on fifteen years. She repeted in her mind.

Alec paused in his steps, his eyes directed at Black Ice, but unfocused as if he was speaking to someone he wasn't looking at. "I know you're there..." he called to her and tilted his head. "Come out, come out, come out and play..." he practically purred, his eyes dangerous but his mouth bored. "Don't worry, you've given me no reason to kill you. Yet."

Ice's eyes hardened, only for a moment, and she stepped slowly from the shadows, assuming a calm, only slightly interested expression. "Hello," she smiled sweetly, "I was trying to decide whether this would be a good place to ask if I could acquire lodging in return for a story."

Alec crossed his ankles and arms, leaning to the side against a thick tree. "It isn't," he replied simply. "No decision to be made." He looked her up and down decidingly, but being Alec, he let go what he instantly knew. "What's you're name, miss?" he asked, much nicer this time, but not sickly so. He actually seemed almost Sebrellan as he stood again on his own and took a more politely interested stance.

"I am one without a name, just as I am without a home." She told him, useing the words she had heard from a traveling storyteller who had stayed in her village when she was a child.

Alec's frown was less confused than it was something else, but he seemed to shrug it off as he continued to look her over non invasively. "Is that right... Well, Miss Without, you're quite the external person." Most unappealing a personality... "There's no lodging to be had here. Perhaps you should turn right, and head that way." He pointed to the trees to her right.

"A camp full of what look like soldiers, and none of them would care for a story?" the woman asked doubtfuly, "You act as if you had something to hide, Elf." She smiled intuitively.

Alec pouted sarcastically. "Ah, me. You've got me all figured out. What left have I got to tell you? No more secrets between us...." He rolled his eyes at her. "Those here who care for a story are immature and rather stupid. If you care to intertain children, then again, you're business is not here."

"A story can be just as much for the mature as for the immature, good elf." Ice allowed just a hint of hurt into her voice. "Sir, I have been walking most of my life, and I have been without a warm meal, and have slept out in the cold for the past three days." She let panic start to edge into her voice. None of what she said was truly false, the Kerrigons had not been particularly easy to find.

"Such a pity," Alec said quietly. The words seemed to be directed at her, but were to quiet so it was hard to tell. He sighed. "Very well. Come. I will get you something to eat, but in my tent. I can't have you running around knowing everything. Even Chris would have a fit... I must blind fold you as well. If you have qualms- again, to the right." He pointed to the trees again.

The woman looked at him uncertainly for a moment, then sighed, "You may lead the way."

Alec nodded and pulled a strip of cloth from his pocket. Why he had it was anyone's guess, and some guesses were rather disturbing. None the less, he went to the woman with no fear and stepped behind her to apply the blind fold. Once it was firmly, but not painfully, secured, he put a hand on her shoulder. "Now, don't worry, take confident steps. I will not let you trip." His word were not comforting, just firm, and honest. He looked ahead and gave her the barest of nudges and began to lead her through camp, making sure to lead her around any and all obstacles she may step on.

Ice may not have trusted him, but she could tell he was no lier. But still, she had a character to hold to, so she walked slowly, trusting him, but being careful with her feet.

The people about camp, though Ice couldn't see them, were silenced by Alec's more than hostile icy stares. They backed off and didn't question his kindness at that look and the elf was glad to reach his quarters. Once they were in the forest green tent that let in enough light that the inside looked like a shady forest, he removed her blind fold to let her look at the interior with his barely messy bed, couple of earth gem colored covered trunks, and a few trinkets lay about, half made. "Now.. what is it you eat?" he asked, as if he had already offered and she had already made herself comfortable.

"Whatever someone sees fit to offer me most of the time." She answered him.

"Garbage must taste terrible," Alec said distastefully, mostly to himself again, and he turned and left through the flap of the tent. A few moments later, he returned with half a loaf of bread, a hand full of blueberries, and a couple of strips of dried meat. He held them out to her, bowing a little politely. "Not much, but at least you will stop persisting on such frivolity."

"Frivolity?" She asked amused, "Thank you very much sir." She smiled gratefuly.

"You are welcome," Alec replied absently. He was looking at her closely. "You are not really a story teller." It wasn't a question, and it didn't even ask for a reply. He raised an eyebrow slightly. "Why are you lying?"

Ice looked at him a moment, "Most everyone is a storyteller, but you're right, that is not my profession. As to why I am lying, I do not want to be found."

"Indeed." Alec looked at her a moment longer. "I won't push, but you really should tell me. I'd hate to have to try to kill you for seeing something you shouldn't see."

"I suppose telling a secret where there are many secrets being kept can't hurt too much. I am a runaway, I stole from my employer." She told Alec.

Alec was still just looking at her. After a long moment, he replied bluntly, "I still don't believe you." He stepped into the tent finally and sat on a small three legged wooden stool and looked at her, his elbows resting on his knees. "But I suppose you have a reason to lie, if you feel you must lie so whole-heartedly."

Ice studied Alec a moment and smiled, a cold, but amused smile. "Why are you here Elf?" she asked him.

"I enjoy the activity," Alec replied as if it should have been obvious, but something about it said that he was being dishonest, nor was he trying to hide the fact that he was being so. He was meeting her eyes evenly, noting and becoming curious about her cold smile, though he didn't show it. "Why aren't you here?" he asked back.

"You were difficult to find." She replied truthfully, her smile widening ever so slightly at his comment.

"If it was that difficult to find, congratulations about finding us. Since you did find us, though, clearly we did not do well enough." Alec did not seem amused. He actually looked thoughtful now, frowning. "Now, since you've successfully found us, and are not here to tell stories, what are you here for?" His eyes narrowed curiously at her, but not cruelly.

"So it would seem." She smiled, "I want more information about you, what it is you do, who your leader is. I want more than just the rumors that are floating around the common people." She told him truthfuly.

"And what makes you believe you can obtain this information?" Alec asked. "Or what reasons do you have for wanting it?"

"You don't seriously believe that I went through the trouble of finding you, and will go away empty handed. What if I don't wish to inform you of my reasons just yet." She said, still smiling.

"I believe nothing of the sort," Alec assured her kindly. "And your reasons are you own. Just know, I am curious about them..." He stood up and held a hand out. "Now, how about a tour of camp? As long as you play along, I do believe I can stop any questions people may through at us.

Ice smiled and took his hand, she may have been a wariorr where she came from, but she spent much time amoung the upper classes and could be just as polished as the greatest of nobility. "I would greatly appreciate a tour of your camp, as well as protection from curious passerby."

Jalen sniffed at a broken mushroom on the ground, huffing through the nostrils when they filled a bit too quickly with the fungal scent. He lifted his head again and looked around. That scent, was so familiar, and yet... Where was it that he had smelled it? He put his nose down again to the ground and followed the trail of widely set foot prints. He wanted to know who the familiar stranger was.

"Busy Jalen?" Lomien asked, tired as he was from teaching ash sword play he was still nonetheless bored stiff and itching for an asignment...or at least somthing to do. "I got jumped by what may be a kerrigon patrol...nasty little bighters, you can go have a look at them if you wish to...i must warn you though..they stink, i doubt they ever took a bath" he grimaced, then remembering he still hadnt plucked the several arrows out of his armour he glared at the ax gouge in his shoulder pauldron "oh and one more thing; they seem to have a liking for blunted axes, arrows and daggers...poor quality stuff if you ask me"

Jalen half crouched and rolled his wolf shoulder blades and in the small movement, he reverted back to his human form, which stood from the ground with a frown on his face. "You make it sound so pleasant," he said to Lomien sarcastically, but his expression was concerned as he looked at the damaged man. "Umm.. would you like some help? I doubt that's very comfortable..." His nose kept twitching and his eyes were watering slightly. He could smell those men that Lomien spoke of. They were quite foul.

"Whith the arrows? its fi..yeeoww!" Lomien growled realizing to late as he hit the tree with his back hand a dart was now burrowed in his left hand. Turning to Jalen with what was both a smile at the wolf's sarcasm and frown from the unexpected dart "I never said it was easy...killing them was..their armour is poor quality and shoddy at best, i think the hardest part will be disposing of the only things interested in such odor would be the flies and rats" Removing the arm guard to pluck the dart, Lomiens face took on a slightly startled look, seeing a faint black etch under his skin from the dart, though it and his look passed quickly "an assasins dart..the fellow with the red hat..but why me, and now?" he thought to himself slightly disturbed at the dart as he looked it over more thouroughly.

Jalen watched him with the greatest interest, though he looked quite calm. The other man was much more distant in his actions, as if when interacting with people, he wasn't paying attention, or simply saw it that he would never talk to them again. Which was odd, because of course he would. Jalen looked at his hand with concern. "That's... very concerning," he said, honestly worried. "Come on. You really need to see a medic.." He stepped forward slightly to help, but looked for all the wounds before he ever touched the other man. He didn't want to hurt him while trying to help.

"Thank you, and do you recognize this dart?" He said holding up a small steel dart with serrated edges "It's an assasin's dart of sorts, but who, what and why...i have yet to discern" Lomien whached as the poison caused a slight reaction with his skin "I think i'm familiar with the poison to..though i have not seen it in many years..."

Jalen nodded his head to indicate he did recognize it, but that didn't seem to matter to Lomien as he helped him back to camp. He nodded along with what he was saying, just listening. "I suspect it was meant to kill you," he put in. "That's all I know the darts are for, except to drop you unconscious, and as you are still awake, I was with you, and no one has come to collect you, I am inclined to think the first."

"Now that remember, there was a fellow with a red hat, it may seem odd but he was the only one who stood out, attired in black garb, an was the first to jump out at me...then that ogre with the ax and several others..he seemned to be different though in that he was more skilled than the others....this poison is either week or i am immune to it" He nodded though his exposed had still had several thick black lines that pulsed around the wound "you may think me odd but i have built up an immunity to all but the rarest of poisons..which im begining to think this is one of them" he grunted.

Jalen shrugged a little. "I don't think you're odd. I know of people like that.. Though, you are unique in that you are able to do more than resist deadly poisons. Usually it takes life time dedication to develop that resistance.. You should have had no time for anything else..." He was silent, seeming to let the information sink into himself, then he shrugged it off. "So what needs to be done about the wound? Immune or not, your hand still looks pretty bad..."

"I'm older than several life ages of men, and for awile i had need of such an immunity....and it seems to have served me again" Lomiens voice trailed off remembering the blasted ruins of his home. "The wound looks nasty...i dont best i'll probably have them wrap it before i head out into the feild again...and mend that hole in my guantlet" he grimaced at the thought of having to repair it..such an intracate peice, and for the dart to have gone through it still...the thought troubled Lomien. "I think the one who hired the assasin will be back soon to see the results of their work, unfortunatly for them..i'm still alive" He alowed a slight laugh /and i know who you are/ he thought to himself.

"Very well," Jalen agreed, trying to focus as the smell of blood was starting to make his vision match and his mouth water. He seemed calm though. He was glad when they entered camp. "Lerayel!" he called out for their leader. "Lerayel!!" he called louder, trying to get her attention. She would want to know about this, and the sooner, the better.

"Who ever this individual very accuainted with what i've been up to" Lomien spoke aloud thinking to himself "and yet it took him all this time to find me, and now he is hiding with the kerrigon...that's out of character" he let his thoughts stray to the letter he had picked off of the assasin, it was addressed to him, and the seal on it brought back a feeling entirely alien to him: fear.

Lerayel was in her tent, ready to relax, something she rarely was able to do.
As it was, she doubted it would last very long right now. Or not at all--the moment she heard her name called, she was on her feet grabbing the sword belt she had just removed from her waist. By the second, louder call she was out of the tent and jogging toward the sound. She recognized the voice, and knew it was something important. Perhaps nothing to sound the alarm for, but definitely nothing she could take her time checking out. She came to a stop, eyes sweeping from Jalen to Lomien, taking as many details as she could. The first thing she noticed was the blood covering the latter's hand. "What happened?"

"Kerrigon scout party, ten or so strong, all dead" Lomien stated flatly, grimacing as he felt the poison lash across his insides. "They're all dead, but they had me marked, one, i presume their leader was an assasin, and he managed to tag me with this" he held up the iron dart, and his hand, which for the most part had healed over though still bleeding, with black lines forming across it was the only thing out of place, though it was by now bleeding feircly as his body sought to rid itself of the leathal toxin.

"I leave him safely with you," Jalen told Lerayel as he stepped back, no longer helping Lomien. He always seemed to be a strong man to the werewolf, and he knew better than to lower his pride with unwanted help. He gave Lera a sheepish smile. "Please forgive me, but I need to hunt before my next rounds. Lera, I'll be done soon. Would you like me to come back to your tent when I'm finished?"

Lomien's explanation was quick and concise, something Lerayel could appreciate. She didn't have time to listen to a long-winded report. Regardless, it was to his own benefit to be brief. She listened with narrowed eyes, face revealing nothing. A simple nod was her answer. She held her hand out for the dart. It would be able to tell her a lot about who had been attacking. Her gaze flicked to Jalen as he stepped back, and she turned to face him slightly. "Of course," she said with a slight incline of her head. "Hunt well. And... I will not be displeased if you return to my tent afterward." She turned again to Lomien. "Do you need a medic?" First priority was, of course, being sure he was safe. The Sabrellans were nothing without their fighters.

Jalen bowed, then turned and walked away, dropping forward onto newly formed paws at the trees before trotting off. As Lerayel's guard, he didn't like to be away from her too much, even if she could handle herself. He would hurry, then come straight back.

"I think it's fine" Lomien replied handing Lerayel the dart "it's my gauntlet that I'm more frustrated with" he said holding up the demolished right side of the gauntlet "this took the brunt of the impact, there aren't any broken bones, it's just bleeding..a to be rid of the poison" He said slightly labored "it's some sort of nerve agent i think something designed to paralyze and not to kill" he grumbled "I suppose this would be a bad time to ask for an assignment? Really the wound is fine, I'd like something to do is all" he asked with somewhat of a sheepish grin.

Lerayel nodded, taking the dart and studying it briefly. Yes, she knew who owned it.... she tucked it into a pouch that rested on her hip, for further examination when she got a chance. She also looked at the ruined gauntlet, which told her much about which direction the dart had come from. Lomien seemed convinced--not unexpectedly--that a medic wouldn't be necessary. It was an assertion that was made slightly less powerful by his labored speech. "I'll make you a deal," she said with a hint of an understanding smile. "Go to the medic for an antidote, and then come back to me. I will give you an assignment then."

"The poison is already subsiding...i think i'm imune to the stuff...though the name escapes me, it's been awile and besides you know me...i hate medicine" He grumbled the bleeding had stopped, as he looked ruefully at the ruined gauntlet "Glad i keep a spare set" he smiled.

"I believe nothing of the sort," Alec assured her kindly. "And your reasons are your own. Just know, I am curious about them..." He stood up and held a hand out. "Now, how about a tour of camp? As long as you play along, I do believe I can stop any questions people may throw at us."

Ice smiled and took his hand, she may have been a wariorr where she came from, but she spent much time amoung the upper classes and could be just as polished as the greatest of nobility. "I would greatly appreciate a tour of your camp, as well as protection from curious passerby."

Alec gave her a charming but reserved smile and bowed politely to her, still holding her hand lightly. "Then it is yours," he replied then led her out of the tent, holding the flap for her before he started off at a leisurely pace. "Our camp, though seemingly hectic, is actually more erratic. Areas that are easier to access have more people near them, and areas more difficult, are where the snipers are. It's all about appropriate protection for the given area."

Ice, a faint smile still on her lips, nodded politely to show that she was listening. On the outside her countanance adapted that of a lady of nobility when she wasn't truly listening, only politely pretending. But underneath her facade she was taking in every word, noting every detail, from the layout of the camp, to the demeanor of the Kerrigons and the types of weapons they carried, to the way Alec carried himself.

When the tour of the layout, placement, and overall purpose of the Kerrigons had ended, Alec stopped in the middle of the camp where he had concluded, and laced his hands together behind his formally straight back. "So is your curiosity satisfied?" he asked her kindly, giving her a calm look that was blank yet some how kind.

"Not compleatly," Ice smiled at him, "you have failed to mention anything about your leader."

Alec raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you want to know?" he asked. Alec really did carry himself well. He had a formal posture, a strong build and confidence about him, but at the same time he seemed awfully nice and considerate. He was a complete gentleman with the air and skill of a perfect soldier, minus the mindless killing.

"Who is he? Why does he do what he does? What does he believe in?" Ice asked. She looked Alec up and down, sizeing him up again, "You know," She said, almost to herself, "you seem to be the kind of person I could like. You're obviously a skilled fighter, but you're also a gentleman. Your kind are few and far between where I come from." She shook her head at herself, "My apologies, I forget myself. Your leader?"

"Is a busy person," Alec stressed the word to point out he wasn't going to give away the gender. His tone, while firm, was also politely apologetic. "You have never met them, their reasons, just like yours for coming here, are their own to share with whomever they so choose, and their beliefs are a personal matter that are none of your business, I'm sorry, unless you share them, or they wish to share them with you. Why, if I may ask, and I am only asking, not demanding, do you wish to know such things about them?" He raised a dark eyebrow, his forest green eyes sparkling as bright as the silver crescent around his neck.

Ice looked at him, her bright blue eyes serious. "All my life I have been a fighter, what many would call a mercanary. I know no other way of life, and in a new world, I need a way to earn a living. But I never join a cause without first knowing what it is." Ice told him, and everything she had said was truth.

"Well.. all living beings, besides plants, of course, are animals. Flora and fauna. That's the way it is. For animals, fighting is natural. To hunt, kill, fight. The Kerrigons believe that fighting is necessary for long term happiness and therefore are seeking to disrupt this peace and stillness. If we remain peaceful, awful things will happen." He frowned at the thought.

"What is it you believe will happen?" Ice asked him, "I've never found anything wrong with peace. Though I must admit that it does make finding work difficult."

"If all people were peaceful, always, should a danger come from elsewhere, we would be completely unprepared for it. The fighting between us now is.. foreplay," Alec replied, still frowning. "A great evil will come. And only practice, and advancement, is going to prepare us for that." He was looking at her critically, his green eyes seeming to take something in that wasn't on the surface.

"I do see your point. And what sort of soldiers do those who have lived their lives peacefuly make?" Ice asked him, almost sure of an amusing answer.

"Frustrated ones," Alec replied and sighed, running a hand through his short hair. "They are... like you. Only instead of being trained for battle, they have yearned for it. Haven't you ever just.. had an urge to do something? Something that everyone else was wrong? You can't explain it but it's like trying to tell the grass not to be green or the sky not to be blue. It simply.... can't help it."

Ice's eyes faded into a faraway look, "Yes, yes I suppose I have..." She snapped her eyes back to Alec, "But are they good fighters?" She asked him, "Are you a good fighter?"

"Yes, they are," Alec replied, not answering her second question. "We make sure that they are. Some have come with skills, others simply with drive. We take great care to make sure they will do well."

"That is good." She smiled, she was tempted to chalange him, to see how he handled a sword, to see if this elf's confidence was founded. But she descided not to press it.

Alec nodded. "Indeed, but I'm sure the Sebrellans have the same tactics. How else could they have fighters? They must all be people like you, trained to fight, but really no reason for it. But.. I wonder. Why do you train to fight, if you are always hoping for peace?" It was a rhetorical question, and he quickly moved from it. "So, mysterious princess with no place to go nor place of origin, what do you wish to see next?"

"I suppose they probably do." Ice said offhandedly, "Show me the training grounds, if you would. I am curious to see just how well your soldiers handle their weapons."

"Very well," Alec agreed with another nod. He led her away from the center of camp to a large field just outside of it. It was full but not overly crowded with people, all ferociously locked in battle. Many were very skilled, others were repeatedly being knocked down and the person helping them learn was forced to keep helping them to their feet.

Ice looked about her, watching the various groups spar. She took in everything. She looked for the most skilled fighters, and watched for weak spots in their defences. "They are good," Ice conceeded, "overall. Many of them could use a good deal more training."

"That's why they are here, on the training grounds," Alec pointed out, giving Ice an odd look. "I'm not the leader you report back to. No need to say such... obvious information."

"I suppose what I should have said was incompetent. I have begun to grow acustomed to blunting my words with the people of Arianova." Ice looked at him for a moment, "And what makes you believe that I report to anybody?"

Alec sighed. "You do not strike me as a the leader type. And why would you be? You enjoy what you do, I presume, so why not follow someone who lets you do it? It is those who would stop us that are the enemy." He frowned at her slightly. "But you could very well be on your own, but that would make your statement of 'needing more training' very ignorant, and I don't think you are, so therefore it must be for someone as smart as you, or less so." He was silent, just looking at her, before he spoke again. "And it is good that you consider others when choosing your words, but it is better when one is simply themselves, with the patience to explain of course."

Ice looked at Alec, wondering what was going on in his mind, behind his unreadable, almost indifferent exterior. "What is your name Elf?" She asked him frouning slightly, she was usually able to figure people out, how they thought, what motivated them, but this elf was as readable as a rock.

"I am called Alec," he replied and bowed slightly to her. "Though a name is just a label. Calling an apple an apple will not tell you how it tastes, just as calling a sword a sword does not tell you how it feels when it splits flesh." He looked at her with a calm almost curious expression. "And what is your name, fair maiden?

"I am called 'Black Ice.'" She told him returning his bow with a slight curtsy. Ice looked at Alec, "I like your view of things Alec. In all my travels I have rarely foun one such as you."

"I should like to meet these few others," Alec told her calmly and looked back at the other creatures practicing in the clearing. He frowned a little. They had excellent fighters, some brawlers, and then some very inexperienced young ones who had some irritation in their lives they were too weak to simply work out. All the others were in position to guard camp. Ice had gotten in, however. He should tell Chris... He looked at Ice again. "So where would you like to go next, Frozen Darkness?" he asked, having every intention of coming up with many different forms of her name. 'Black Ice' was far too simplistic.

Lerayel allowed herself a small, resigned half-smile at Lomien's resistance. He always had been stubborn, particularly about his health. But she decided not to press the matter this time. He did have a strange and varied set of immunities, and it seemed fairly clear that this one had done its worst to him already. She had more important things to do than argue with an elf over something that no longer mattered. "Alright then," she conceded. "What kind of assignment were you looking for?"

"Preferably something that can put my acquired set of skills to action, but as you know i am flexible beyond my given designation" He replyed with a slight bow, though still a slight angered glare at the ruined armour peice, managed to slip out as he finished his bow.

His 'acquired set of skills'? From what Lerayel had learned of the elf, he had quite a broad range of skills. Still, she knew what he meant. She thought for a moment, though she already had a mission in mind. "As you know, so far the Sabrellans have focused on increasing our numbers and training our members, and defending ourselves. I think it's time to take subtle offensive action. And we should start with their recruitment forces. I need you to find out who they are, and I need them eliminated." She said this directly, without emotion. Death did not phase her any more. She couldn't afford to let it. This was war, and death was a part of it.

"So then, do you want their head recruiter eliminated, or the trainees elimanated?" he asked, though his voice did not give any indication as to his preferance, his darker side relished the thought of decimating the untrianed fodder of the kerrigon "All of whom are located primarily in a single camp, they have recruiters spread throughout the town as you know. A little havoc either way, and what exactly are my rules of engagement?" He asked, his voice still entirely devoid of emotion. This was his job, he had no pity an no mercy for those who stood on the objective end of his mission.

"The head, to begin with," Lerayel replied. Bringing down the leadership was the quickest way to bring an organization to its knees. "And any others you can get on the way. You know our rules. Clean kills, no unnecessary torture. Your primary concern is going unnoticed. I trust you will do well."

"I shall do my best anyways, I think anyways that i shall target the town they are most brazen in their recruiting in some of the towns not to far from here" He said as he walked out towards his tent. Lomien, taking the north road now adorned as an elven traveler, somthing that would easily be missed in the parts he was going to be operating, he road this time though a chestnut gelding as his black stallion would be easily recognized by any who knew him.

Ash was passed out in a tent. The combination of the strain of learning something physical, combined with the fact that he was a vampire, led him to keep odd hours. Granted, since he was a vampire he was obviously not weak, so it was mostly due to his usually semi-nocturnal behavior. The tent he was sleeping in was not his own; it was the junk drawer of the camp, with odd things like unusual tools, books on strategy and a few things that were necessary but nobody knew where else to put them. Seemed right that he slept there, sprawled on top of a small pile of old blankets.

A lone horse an rider approached the outside of the town. Peering from beyond his cloak Lomien saw a tavern sitting atop the hill This i guess is where i will turn in for the night he thought to himself as he approached the Inn. Turning over his horse to a stable boy, he entered an was greeted by the all to familiar reek of alcohol an the noise of revelry. "Four nights" he said simply to the inn keeper, handing him the coins "I'll pay you the rest upon my leave" he said taking the key an walking over to the bar.

Lerayel watched Lomien for a moment as he walked away, wondering how successful he would be. She had complete faith in her assassin, but she also knew the skill level of even the recruiters of the Kerrigons. But she had no control over that any more. She turned to return to her tent once more, where she laid down on her cot and waited for Jalen to return.

A while later, the tent flap opened just a sliver and a hazel golden eye peeked in. Seeing her resting, Jalen slipped in without a sound, closing the flap behind him, and knelt by her bed. "Lera.." he whispered softly. He smiled at her resting face and brushed some hair from her face. "Lera.." he said gain, this time with a grin in his whisper.

She hadn't meant to fall asleep. Lerayel hardly ever had time for sleep, and never before the rest of the Sabrellans had retired. Still, by the time Jalen returned, slumber had taken her. The touch to her face caused her to flinch away slightly, but it also woke her. She blinked, focusing on Jalen and smiling slightly. Then she frowned, sitting up, realizing the state she had been in. She shook her head. "I shouldn't have fallen asleep..."

"I'm sure your paranoia would not have allowed you to sleep through a stranger wandering in here," Jalen replied kindly as he stood up again. "How did it go with Lomien?"

"I should like to meet these few others," Alec told her calmly and looked back at the other creatures practicing in the clearing. He frowned a little. They had excellent fighters, some brawlers, and then some very inexperienced young ones who had some irritation in their lives they were too weak to simply work out. All the others were in position to guard camp. Ice had gotten in, however. He should tell Chris... He looked at Ice again. "So where would you like to go next, Frozen Darkness?" he asked, having every intention of coming up with many different forms of her name. 'Black Ice' was far too simplistic.

"You believe 'Black Ice' to be a simple title." Ice observed more than asked, "People are simple where I came from." she shrugged, "It suits me well enough, though I must say I prefer 'Frozen Darkness.' Anyway, I have questions to ask. I want to go wherever you believe would be best for us to converse."

"That's nowhere in this camp," Alec replied, gesturing vaguely. Instead, he started walking at a leisurely pace around, then past the training grounds, out into the woods. When they were far enough out of ear shot, he addressed her. "What would you like to know?"

Ice followed Alec into the woods, wary of where he was taking her. She did not believe that he was treacherous, however she did not want to take chances, while his back was still turned she made sure that the knife in her belt would slide out easily. "I want to know how one might go about joining an organization such as yours." Ice said watching carefuly for any indicator of what might be going through his mind. "What I have seen and what you have told me is intriguing."

Alec sighed as he leaned back against a tree, regarding her seriously. "First off, we don't take skeptics. People who need convincing, can often be convinced otherwise." He paused, looking at her for a long moment before asking, "What do you believe in? What do you think about this.. conflict?"

"I believe in survival," Ice said simply, "everything that I once knew has been torn from me, and now my survival is all that I have. My views on this conflict do not matter, I believe that it is a way to earn a living doing what I am good at."

"Greed is not good enough," Alec told her seriously. He shook his head in denial. "You can not join us."

"Is the desire to make a living truly greed? I would think that you, of all people, would see the difference between the desire for survival and greed." She said just as seriously.

Alec shook his head, again denying her. "Your motivation is purely selfish. I'm sorry, we can't have you here. You are fickle, and, should our enemies offer you this.. survival you so crave, you are likely, if convinced, to change sides. I'm sorry, but we have no need for such people." He looked directly into her eyes and reminded her. "I told you earlier what we stood for, what we fight for, and, as you apparently do not share those values, I would rather not have you around." Alec had yet to deny being the leader of the Kerrigons, nor say that was who he was. He, in fact, was like the first level of getting to meet the leader. The first filter of many. If he didn't approve, then she didn't go in. Didn't stand a chance. However, he was not about to tell her that it was not solely his decision if she was to join them or not. He was asserting his authority to 'filter her out' of consideration. He felt no obligation to let her know that, even though he sounded like it was his choice (which it was, at this stage, to say she couldn't get in, but not his to say that she COULD get in) he was not the leader, that he was nothing more than a scout.

Ice's eyes hardened, "I have seen the Sabrellan's so-called camp, they are small, disorganized, they have nothing to offer me." She said vehemently, "I can see that I misunderstood you, I thought you might see the advantage that I might be able to gain you. Where I come from I was unrivaled with a sword, and how much more here, where many have only just learned to weild a weapon. Yes, I can see that I was sorely mistaken by you elf."

Alec raised an eyebrow at her. "You have known me mere hours, and you assume to know me?" There was an insult hidden in his words, though he didn't say it. "Ice, you are obviously still missing my dissmissal of your.. skill." He seemed to doubt the validity of the last word. "You are being self centered and presumptuous. I am not asking, telling, or otherwise insinuating that you should join the Sebrellans, and I am outright insulted that you think we are so petty, so desperate, as to assume we would see you, who works for money and for.. survival, who sees herself as so.. great, as an 'advantage'. We do not use our fighters like disposable resources. Each is a believer and a real Kerrigon. You did not even see our best fighters. The best fighters, I might add, do not boast of their skills as you are trying to hard to press upon me. What you say holds little weight with me, Miss Ice, and I don't appreciate you thinking I can be so easily impressed and swayed. Think yourself as wrong as you wish. As long as you consider that you-you-you are-so-great attitude, we have no use for you. Good day, Miss Ice. Do say hello to whomever you report to." He leaned off the tree and made to walk around her.

Ice closed her eyes and drew in her breath to calm herself, "My apologies Alec, I was out of line. I do wish to serve, it is not merely survival that drives me. The long-term preservation of the land is a noble cause indeed. And I am sorry that I have insulted you, that was not my intention." Her tone was even, she was apologising for her behavior, not groveling.

Alec paused beside her and sighed, looking at her with his bright leafy eyes out of the corner of the sockets. "Insulted or not, my opinion of you doesn't matter. I don't like half the people in the Kerrigon camp, but they are there for the right reasons. Maybe when you agree with them, and not only appreciate it, but believe it as well, we can consider having you. Until then, you are a threat. So.. Shadowy Frost... Think good and hard, and don't lie to me: What is it you believe in?"

Ice looked at Alec, her blue eyes grew cold. "I believe in survival." She said, almost sadly, "I believe that what you love is torn from you. That is life, and when that happens, all that one has left is their survival." She turned her face away from the elf, and for a moment, she was Audera again, her blue eyes soft and sad. But when she returned her gaze to Alec, they were the same as before, cold, hard, she was Black Ice again. "I do not expect you to understand." She said quietly.

"It is probably best that you don't," Alec replied. Whether he understood or not didn't matter. "... And.. Ice.. I really don't think the Kerrigon's need people like you... You just don't share out views and those who can not see, can not follow the path without much guidance, and we don't have that kind of time, to guide you...."

"I found you. Does that not count for anything?" Ice asked him, "I am used to being without guidance. Though I suppose that further disqualifies me." She said, a faint smile touching her lips. Ice slowly turned to leave, she did not believe that she could get any further with Alec. Though she disagreed with him concerning the issue of Airanova's state, she was reluctant to leave him. As she had said, people such as him were rare.

"One chance," Alec stopped her, giving her a serious look. "One chance. You bring any and all questions to me, no one else, ok? The last thing this camp needs is a traitor, or rumors of one." He shook his head as if that very thing had just happened and it had been horrible. "That is, if you still want to join us."

Ice blinked in surprise. "Of course." She said turning back to face Alec. Immediately she was all business, "What do I need to know? What will my duties be?" she asked him.

"Well, we'll need to know your strengths," Alec went off thinking, speaking aloud as he thought it out. "And you'll need to have some fight practice to see what you need to work on, and the amount for each thing. We'll need to assign you a post..."

Ice followed him, listening to his mental list. "Oh and Alec, I will need to retrieve my things and get out of these ridiculous clothes." she said looking down at herself in a long peasant's skirt and shawl.

"Where are your things?" Alec asked, still apparently thinking, though he was listening for the answer.

"Near where you found me." Ice said nodding in the general direction.

Alec raised an eyebrow at her. "That close to our camp?" This girl just gets more and more suspicious... He looked forward again and pursed his lips, whistling a sweet little tune that usually made people somewhat nervous for some reason.

"Yes." Was Ice's simple reply. When the two of them reached the place where she had stashed her belongings wrapped in her cloak and balanced in the fork between two branches, Ice excused herself and went off to change. She returned wearing black pants and a silver shirt, with a black cloak and cowl, with her two-handed sword strapped across her back.

"That doesn't make it acceptable," Lerayel murmured. But it didn't matter now. It was too much a waste of time and energy to worry about what she should have done differently. "It went well enough. He was too stubborn to see a medic, but he will recover fully. And I sent him on a mission, at his request." She paused, then added, "How went your hunting?"

"Well," Jalen answered, not wanting to bother her with further details about his hunting exploits. They often made people nauseous, and he didn't particularly revel in them either. It was just something that had to be done. "I brought back two deer, for the camp," he added, giving her a small smile. "I'm sorry I couldn't get more. I could go continue to try if you like?"

Lera shook her head. "No...." She smiled back. "I'm glad you were successful. But I'd prefer you stay here for now..." There were enough other hunters to make up for it. His contribution would be helpful, though.

Jalen nodded and knelt by her bed, just on one knee, but it was very reminiscent of how a dog sits by his master's bed. He tilted his head slightly at her. "I really wish you would rest more, Lera. You do so much, you're running yourself ragged. What's going to happen if you fall asleep where you stand in a battle?" He looked more concerned than chastising. He had never been angry with Lera in his life. And with his werewolf tendencies, he was as loyal as could be to her, albeit very dog like in other ways. He had never been violent though. But when the peace of Arianova was threatened, he had signed up to protect it. He was a good judge of character, and loyal to a fault. It made him quite charming, if a bit oblivious.

A soft laugh escape Lerayel as she listened to Jalen's concern. He spent far too much time worrying about her. She couldn't help but appreciate it--more than he could ever know. But at the same time... "If I don't do it, who will?" she replied with a wistful smile. "Don't worry, Jalen. I won't go falling asleep in any battles." She reached for his hand, squeezing it lightly to reaffirm her statement.

"Well.. alright," Jalen replied skeptically, holding her hand in return. He was still frowning though, his concern barely satiated. "And if you do, I'll get you to safety." He nodded, as if deciding something. "How is Ice's mission going? Any update?"

"You know I can never sleep well," Lerayel murmured softly, recognizing that he was not truly satisfied. "Especially with so much to be done..." she shook her head, letting the subject go. She was used to it. It had become the norm a long time ago. She shook her head as the conversation turned to Sabrellan matters. "No update yet, but she should return by some time tomorrow. I'll let you know whatever information she has to offer." Jalen was privy to more information that any other Sabrellan... and even he did not know everything. It was more for his safety than lack of trust.

Jalen nodded, averting his eyes as he thought on this. "I smelled a new person in the woods, down her trail. I'm not sure who he was, but I'm sure he saw her, at least, and that I do not know him..." He looked at Lera. "I remember.. it slightly, the barest scent of it. When you came back, that man's scent was just barely on some of your things. Perhaps you know him." He didn't seem to be asking her to say if she did or didn't. Jalen looked toward the tent entrance, frowning slightly. "She's a good fighter. Hopefully the best."

Lera tilted her head, listening. A quiet but sharp intake of breath was the only sign of the jolt of anxiety she experienced as he mentioned the familiarity of the scent. She moved past it quickly, forcing herself to remain impassive. There was nothing surprising about this... her past was in the past, and she couldn't let it affect her any longer. "Perhaps," she replied quietly. "I will have to wait for Ice's report." On his last statement, she nodded. She had full confidence in the spy's abilities.

Surveying the surrounding bar, an alert Lomien walked over to a table beer mug in hand to await the arrival of his target. He had contacted Christopher earlier, asking for a personal meeting, masquerading as a very skilled prospective mercinary.

Christopher was skeptical of this meeting, to say the least. Few people knew who he was or what his purpose was. How this so-called mercenary had found out, he wasn't sure. But it was partially that curiosity which caused him to agree to meet with the elf. He was confident that he could protect himself; there would be no danger in meeting with the person. So he stepped into the familiar tavern, glancing around. The mercenary wasn't hard to identify. He was sitting alone at a table, looking alert. Normal people in Arianova didn't know enough to remain alert. Why should they? There was no threat that they were aware of. This one was obviously different. "Hello, my good mercenary," he greeted the elf, coming up behind him. "I hope I did not keep you waiting long."

"To an elf what does time matter? and no i have not been waiting long" he said rising with an outstreched hand in greeting.

Chris grasped the Elf's hand, shaking it firmly and sitting across from him. "That is good to hear. Now... what is it you wished to meet with me about?" There were times when he amused himself with banter and smalltalk, and there were times he cut to the chase. This was one of the latter.

"I have heard you are recruiting, and was told you where the one to talk to if i was interested. Now it is my tunr to ask a question; what are you recruiting for?" he asked even toned.

A slight inclination of the head confirmed that what he had heard was true. Chris would be slightly interested in knowing where he had heard this information, but that could wait... for a little while. "You have heard correctly... if you are looking for something in particular. I am a recruiter, but it is a very specific person I look for. Tell me, what makes you think I might want to recruit you?

"I have, over a long period of time weather by matter of nescessity or will accuired a set of skills. Skills as a fighter, and as a hunter" he said in a calm voice "I heard you where recruiting, and was curious if one who is recruiting could use my skills for their purpose" Lomien was non-chalant, but his air was that of a warrior enjoying what little rest he was given.

"Yes." Was Ice's simple reply. When the two of them reached the place where she had stashed her belongings wrapped in her cloak and balanced in the fork between two branches, Ice excused herself and went off to change. She returned wearing black pants and a silver shirt, with a black cloak and cowl, with her two-handed sword strapped across her back.

"Impressive..." Alec purred as he slowly walked around her, taking in her full appearance. "You look much less out of place now." He moved in one sudden movement and was behind her, leaning over her shoulder just enough to whisper in her ear, "Now prove it's not just a costume."

A cold smile touched Ice's lips as she slowly drew her sword and turned to face him. She stood at the ready, her knees bent slightly, ready to spring as she watched Alec closely.

Alec took a step back and looked her over, then he smirked. "Try me," he said, lifting his fists, dropping into a relaxed but ready pose.

Ice slowly circled Alec for a moment, observing to see how he moved, to see if there were any obvious flaws. With all the grace and speed that she had inherited from her Elf mother, Ice lunged forward, swinging her sword for Alec's right arm.

Alec, having no set backs that humans did, moved in a blur of motion out of the way. A metallic ring echoed through the trees from where he had struck her blade with a finger nail. He was now off to her side, a few feet away. He smirked at her, already back in position for another strike.

Ice had very good eyes, all that Alec did was in nearly perfect focus, and so she could see clearly that he was much quicker than her. Even so, she attacked again, feinting at his right arm again, but instead going for his left.

Alec again avoided the first blow but, knowing mercenaries never did the same trick twice, was ready when the second blow came. The quickness, however, had him actually jerking out of the way instead of a fluid motion. He smiled at her, a safe distance away again. "I actually felt the wind from that one!" he complimented.

Ice smiled a bit, then lunged suddenly forward driving the point of her sword straight at Alec's chest, then executed a spin at the last moment, swinging the flat of her sword at the side of his head.

Alec just continued to smirk at her as he ducked. She really was quite fast. It was impressive, for a half human. He straightened his legs again at an angle so as to propel himself somewhat backwards out of harms way and quickly dropped into a ready position again. She wouldn't need too much training.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Ice smiled, then rushed at him again, this time swinging the flat of her sword for his side.

Alec did a standing back flip and landed in a crouch, grinning up at her. "Immensely," he practically purred, looking over her form to check for any weaknesses, but looking a tad bit more personal then his intentions meant.

"You may keep your eyes to yourself Elf." Ice said coldly, misunderstanding his look.

"I can't hear flaws," Alec pointed out, raising a slightly offended eyebrow. As if he would ever be attracted to a half human.

"Just be cautious where your eyes wander. I have no qualms about cutting them out." She said then rushed him again, this time quicker than before, aiming her weapon for his arm again.

Alec rolled his shoulder and pulled his arm out of the way, feeling the tips of his fingers graze against the flat side of the blade. "I doubt you could," he pointed out calmly, a little shocked by her hostility. "But if the illusion of such power comforts you, please, continue to assume."

"Stop." Ice said straightening, "I cannot best you, and I am growing angry and you do not deserve my anger." It was true that Ice was a fierce fighter, but she was not a barbarian. 

Alec had a legendary temper, but it was not the kind that exploded at annoyance. It was calmer, and much more thought out. He straightened, giving her a dissappointed look. "The point of this was not to see if you could win. It was to see where you need to improve, but obviously that is your patience and self determination." He stared at her another moment to let it sink in before he added. "Go back to wherever you came from. The Kerrigons don't need someone like you. Not if you are going to lose your patience so easily, or make such incorrect assumptions such as the possibility of defeating me."

Ice had to take in a breath to calm herself, where she came from her cold demeanor was legendary, she did not know why Alec brought this out in her. "Again, my apologies, I do not know what has come over me. May we continue?" She asked, calm and cool once again.

"No," Alec answered, unmoving. He wasn't willing to give her any more trials. She didn't have the drive. "If you have that in you with me, I don't want to chance you meeting someone in a real battle, and simply giving up because you realize you can't defeat them. Outside forces are an incredible asset and you seem to think a fight is all about you and the enemy. No, no. Just leave. We can't use you." He looked straight at her eyes, daring her to challenge it, but although he was being strict, he wasn't outright mean.

Ice cursed herself inwardly but showed no hint of it in her cold gaze, "Very well Elf. I am sure I can find work elsewhere." She said coldly, though her look turned to one of minor regret, "It's a pity though, I enjoy your conversation. I am sure we shall meet again though." She turned to leave, hopeing that he would say something more than farewell, though she didn't expect him to.

It took less than a moment for Alec to make a decision. "Wait," he called, grabbing her arm carefully to stop her. He stepped around her to look at her with a little frown. "The Kerrigons may not be able to use you but.." He looked into her eyes, searching for something, like reassurance that she wasn't going to attack him. "I.. would like to see you more. Your ideas are.. so unique. Please... can we.. meet again, sometime?" He gave her a little smile, hoping for a yes.

Normally Ice would have attacked any man who dared to grab her, but she only stared at Alec in surprise. "...Yes, yes we may." She said wondering why Alec wished to see her again.

Alec smiled happily, stepping back to give her room. She didn't seem the type to enjoy any chance of being stifled. "Wonderful. But.. I won't keep you. Or.. try to at least. I'm sure I can't make you stay. Please." He motioned that she could clearly leave without him trying to stop her again. "You know where I am, and I have no desire to stalk you by seeking you out, so.. if you are honest in your word, please, and I really hope you do, please, come back to see me. I look forward to it immensly." He honestly looked happy at the prospect of seeing her again and he placed a hand on his chest, bowing politely. "And I promise, I won't tell anyone you were here and left. They would not be too happy I let you go. So worried they are." He gave her a look that said he clearly thought they were too worried.

Ice smiled at him, a little disarmed by his actions, "I must find work, but I shall return." She said, "I appreciate your kindness." Before Alec could say any more, she turned and walked away. As she walked, she contemplated what had happened, she did not understand Alec in the slightest, but she liked him, he was intelligent, friendly, not at all what she had expected to find among the Kerrigons. She also wondered why he had asked her to return, she intended to do so, she had given her word, but she never the less wondered why.

Lera tilted her head, listening. A quiet but sharp intake of breath was the only sign of the jolt of anxiety she experienced as he mentioned the familiarity of the scent. She moved past it quickly, forcing herself to remain impassive. There was nothing surprising about this... her past was in the past, and she couldn't let it affect her any longer. "Perhaps," she replied quietly. "I will have to wait for Ice's report." On his last statement, she nodded. She had full confidence in the spy's abilities.

Jalen nodded, lifting her hand that he still held and placed it on top of his soft tawny hair, patting a little before removing his own hand, clearly indicating he wanted to be petted. He looked contemplative for a moment before looking at her with hazel eyes. "What do you want me to do now? I had planned to go help on the training grounds, and practice a little myself, but if you have some other plans..." For anyone that didn't know them, Lera and Jalen might seem like lovers. To anyone who did know them, that seemed a very weird and unappealing idea.

Lerayal complied, allowing Jalen to lift her hand and then gently stroking his hair. It was soft and beautiful, and it relaxed her just to be able to play with it. "It's up to you," she replied quietly. "Just make sure you get well-rested. You can't scold me and then work yourself to exhaustion." She smiled, to show she was at least partially joking.

"Of course, Lera," Jalen agreed, giving her a kind smile. He turned his head and kissed the palm of her hand delicately and softly before he stood and gave a bow. "You know where to find me if you should need me," he told her and with a last kind smile and more than a little reluctance, he turned and left her tent. He hated leaving her, but she was safe in camp, she wasn't leaving, and she knew where to find him. Not to mention there was work to be done and he was helping with none of it as long as he was just sitting at Lera's side with no danger around. So, he headed to the training area and was immediately assaulted by some younger recruits asking for his assistance, and a couple of requests from the older members to spar.

Lera brushed her hand against Jalen's cheek after he pressed his lips to her hand. "I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early as usual," she murmured, then let him go. She sighed quietly, leaning back on her cot, thinking of all the things she had to get done even as she found herself slipping into sleep.

On to Arianova RP 2

Back to Arianova

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2008-08-28 [Akayume]: Yeah! :D

2008-08-29 [Artsy]: hurray for alliteration!

2008-09-01 [~Valkyrie~]: So, how exactly do we switch between the two sides? Just the way it is up there every time? "Meanwhile, in Kerrigon territory..." and such?
(just for future reference)

2008-09-02 [Talos Cyrion]: that and alittle more activity couldn't hurt either

2008-09-02 [Artsy]: that's how it was last time i believe Elbereth, and maybe people are busy Zaharaiel

2008-09-10 [Artsy]: keep going, Jalen has nothing to say, he's just sniffing Ash

2008-09-19 [Artsy]: lol, i wasn't keeping up with the other part, i'll read it a bit later, but she doesn't trust jalen?? lol, he's a big puppy! i understand though, history can do that to us all

2008-09-19 [Lady_Elowyn]: Who doesn't trust Jalen?

2008-09-19 [Artsy]: Ice

2008-09-20 [Lady_Elowyn]: Ah. I probably should also catch up on reading that stuff...

2008-09-20 [Artsy]: I didn't, just read a random post.

2008-09-24 [~Valkyrie~]: Well, Ice isn't very trusting of anyone, and like she said, where she came from, there were no good werewolves. :)

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